Tuesday 28 April 2020

AtoZ2020 - X is for seX & Episode 4 - #AtoZChallenge

Virginia Waytes' Sexy Stories - AtoZChallenge 2020 - X

AtoZChallenge 2020

Hello, Lovelies, and welcome to the 4th Tuesday of the #AtoZChallenge and hence, a new episode of the podcast and a new eBook of the episode. While the podcast has all the naughty parts of the episode, the book has all the lovely plot. The book of the first episode is free if you would like to see what I mean.

For this year's AtoZ I am introducing the podcast and eBooks, with character intros, places and themes from The Manor. The episodes go out every Tuesday so look up E, L, R & X, or just check out the podcast & book pages.

If there is one thing important at The Manor, is is sex, so I cheated a little for X and went for seX - although I suppose I could have gone for XXX 💖.

X is for seX & Episode 4

X is for seX

Sooner or later, most things at The Manor come back to sex. While it pretends to be a country club, the establishment is, at it's heart a sex club. There are very few sensual pleasures to which The Manor does not cater.

From the simple desire to have sex with another being to wanting to be humiliated and/or dominated and any other kinks along the way, The Manor can usually provide. There is only one rule, everything must be consensual. This is literally coded into The Manor's foundation magic.

There are a few things that can cause a member to be barred, but in the case of breaking this rule, The Manor itself would see to it. It's hard to return to a place you can't remember and, depending on the nature of the transgretion, Lucy reserves the right to take further action.
  • Some of the residents of The Manor use sex simply as a revenue source. It's about the income. Since no one is charged rent at The Manor, they don't need it for that, but it is always nice to be able to buy things for oneself.
  • Others do it because they simply really, really like it and the income is incidental.
  • Then there are those who use it as a cover for feeding from humans, be is sexual energy, blood or something else. No member is ever harmed, another rule, but sometimes the sex games lead to games of another kind that the members don't usually remember.
Lucy, being part succubus, takes clients for the last two reasons. Never let it be said that she doesn't enjoy her job, but she does need it as well. She believes in a place where beings can be themselves and this applies to sex as much as to anything else.

The Manor may be a sex club, but the last thing Lucy will ever let it be is a centre for exploitation.

Check out the new podcast episode below for some fun sexy werewolf times.

Sexy Stories 04

The Manor Season 01 Episode 04

Shifting Insecurities

Please be aware, the Podcast has ADULT content.Do not press play unless you wish to hear it.
Transcript available here.

Companion Book 4

Cover for Shifting Insecurities by Virginia Waytes - The Manor Season 1 Episode 4

Shifting Insecurities

Anxiety Among Werewolves

The Manor - Season 1 Episode 4

Josh finds out his old pack tried to invade The Manor and it makes him think he might be kicked out for being a dangerous liability. Pippa, another werewolf, does her best to dissuade him of this notion and show him he is welcome in a very physical way.

Amazon Kindle Smashwords Apple Books Kobo Nook Google Play

Thank you for dropping by.

Please do comment below and link me to your AtoZ posts if you are taking part 💖. If you don't know what to say feel free to use to question below for inspiration, but don't feel you have to answer it.

Q.What is your favourite book to read when you need one you know you'll love?

I have a few: The Belgariad (all five books - I can read them in a weekend), Salem's Lot and Dune.

My other self (Natasha Duncan-Drake) is also taking part in this years AtoZChallenge over at Tasha's Thinkings. Her theme is Vampire Drabbles (100 word stories). X is for Xenolith

 AtoZChallenge Master List

Click here to see all the other wonderful bloggers taking part.


  1. I like it when consent is coded into the foundations :)

    The Multicolored Diary

  2. Good to know nobody is being abused or exploited (without their consent, anyway.)

  3. Lucy is a lucky gal to love her job ;-) I agree with Csenge about the magic.


Welcome Lovelies, please do drop me a comment, I would love to hear from you. P.S. Comments are moderated, just to make sure nasty things do not end up on the blog.

Sexy Stories 43 - The Manor s02e12 - Dragon Dance: Let This Be Our Last Battleground

The Sexy Stories Podcast 43 The Manor s02e12 Dragon Dance: Let This Be Our Last Battleground Greetings, Lovelies. It has arrived - the...