Tuesday 21 July 2020

Sexy Stories 16 - The Trade: Seduction of the Vampire

Sexy Stories 16 - The Trade: Seduction of the Vampire

Sexy Stories 16

The Trade: Seduction of the Vampire

 by Natasha Duncan-Drake

Greetings, Lovelies. Welcome to week sixteen of The Sexy Stories podcast. This week has been exciting! If you saw my post yesterday you will know we reached our very first milestone with 🎉1000 downloads🥳 from Podbean. Thank you so much to everyone who is tuning in.

This week I have another stand alone story for you from my other self, Natasha Duncan-Drake. This one is set in a future dystopia where demons and humans share the earth together. Karon is half vampire, half human and he has needs he must feed.
As always we have the podcast and the eBook. Thank you so much to everyone who purchases a copy of the eBook, it really helps up keep things running.


Sexy Stories 16 - The Trade
Karon is part vampire and needs blood. He's also a part human sorcerer and needs magic. To get both he had made a deal with Lilaro, demon prince of one of the old cities.

Karon will provide Lilaro with sex to feed his demonic needs for twenty four hours and Lilaro will give him blood. Karon has no idea what to expect.

Transcript available at the Transcript page.

Please be aware, the Podcast has ADULT content.Do not press play unless you wish to hear it.

The Trade: Seduction of the Vampire

by Natasha Duncan-Drake

The Trade: Seduction of the Vampire
Earth no longer belongs exclusively to humans. Ever since the hoard came demons roam the wreckage of old Earth just as humans do. Karon spans the divide, both human and demon, and, yet, neither at the same time. At the mercy of his vampire heritage he seeks a trade with a powerful demon prince and can only hope that his price will be accepted.
Amazon Kindle Smashwords Apple Books Kobo Nook Google Play

The Manor

Don't forget The Manor will be back at the end of the year for season 2 and until then you can find everything about it here:

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